The Swede in the middle of Silicon Valley

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wanna go home

So I've gotten pretty fed up, I'm getting really tired of Sweden and just wants to get back home to CA. Since I came back here I can just tell how many relations that has been lost, basically it feels like there's nothing left for me here unless I go back to my old self which I just doesn't want to.

I'm going back home on Thursday I doesn't know when I'll be back, hopefully it will take a while.

Cya Sweden, this trip was a big disappointment, all categories...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Network hacking in Uppsala

Yes, whereever I go it's continuously networkhacking...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ant invation!

Ok, this is just simply disgusting, sure there's a lot of pros and cons living on the country-side but this takes the price for cons.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Right, I'm back in Sweden

So I've completely forgot to post about this, I'm back in Sweden for a month or so. Someone had to cover for everyone here while they went on vacation and who would be better than the guy who just moved from Sweden? Guess I wont get any vacation this year either...


So i recently read at Engadget about this new work-day daily show called Webbalert. I haven't decided if I like it or not yet but it's clearly interesting to see a woman leading shows like this, more of this please!

Mobile back

So I was lucky, it only took one week to get it repaired but obviously they wiped the whole phone and since I'm somewhat anti backups I'll just have to blaim myself. The phone on the picture is the backup I used, my worthless Treo 650.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mobile dead..

So the reason for why I haven't blogged anything lately is because my mobile crashed when I landed in Sweden. The reparation takes 2 weeks...minimum :(

Since I came back from US I've been working all the time...not much interesting happening =/