The Swede in the middle of Silicon Valley

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Parking-lot issues...

So I'm having some issues with the parking in my new apartment, I've been assigned parking-lot EE2 but obviously some bastard has taken it. Since I was leaving for LA I sent this email to my landlord:

Hi again.

I've located my parking slot to find that someone else is using it.

The car parked in my slot (EE2) has the following registration-number: XXXXXXX
I've now parked in slot (EE1) and my registration-number is: XXXXXXX

I'm leaving for Los Angeles tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6pm and wont be back until Sunday.

Hopefully my parking slot will be freed up by tomorrow but if not I'll be unable to move it until Sunday.

Please call me if you've any questions my mobile number is: 408-931-XXXX

So today I got back from LA and what do I see? I've gotten 3 parking violation notifications, and the bastard who has taken my parking-lot hasn't received any!! To bad that I'm to lazy to go to the landlord, their office is closed now anyhow. Guess I'll send em an email.


Entry 23 Eco of Kristofer said...

Jag har medlidande med dig. Sånt där kan verkligen göra mig galen.

Anonymous said...

Alas this is something one has to take into account when owning a car and a parking lot. This happens to me 1-2 times per year where I live. I get totally furious each time.

Where I live, if this happens, I park behind the cars that are on my parking lot (since this will not yeald a parking ticket). Each time the car chooses to drive forward out on the grass lawn to escape from the situation.

Hilarious IMHO.